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OCA Introduces New Service To ...
Omega Consulting Africa (OCA) has added a home inspection service.
Public Holidays
How public holidays should be dealt with and the impact that these have on employees’ annual leave.
Fencing, Renovations And Home ...
We offer competitive prices, all installations are done by the Owner; that means no un-supervised sites, ever!
Improve The Value Of Your Home
We have a national network of approved applicators.
A Charismatic Community Known ...
Villiersdorp is a community of approximately 10 000 people made up of farmers, crafters, foodies, sailing enthusiasts and those who have simply moved from the city to seek a quieter, more satisfying l...
Clear View Fence With Nutec Tw...
We recently completed our new clear view fencing with a Nutec fence twist.
Domestic Workers: Rights And O...
What are the rights of domestic workers and the obligations of their employers in terms of labour legislation in South Africa?
Blouberg Steel Plated Fireplac...
The Blouberg is a medium sized plate steel fireplace and has a rated output of a 9kW.
Automatically Unfair Dismissal...
If there is no way that a dismissal can possibly fair, or if the reasons for the dismissal is contrary to law, it is regarded as an automatically unfair dismissal.
Omega Consulting Africa (OCA) has added a home inspection service.
Public Holidays
How public holidays should be dealt with and the impact that these have on employees’ annual leave.
Fencing, Renovations and Home Maintenance ...
We offer competitive prices, all installations are done by the Owner; that means no un-supervised sites, ever!
Improve the value of your home
We have a national network of approved applicators.
Villiersdorp is a community of approximately 10 000 people made up of farmers, crafters, foodies, sailing enthusiasts and those who have sim...
Clear View Fence with Nutec Twist
We recently completed our new clear view fencing with a Nutec fence twist.
Domestic Workers: Rights and Obligations o...
What are the rights of domestic workers and the obligations of their employers in terms of labour legislation in South Africa? ...
Blouberg Steel Plated Fireplace
The Blouberg is a medium sized plate steel fireplace and has a rated output of a 9kW.
Automatically Unfair Dismissals
If there is no way that a dismissal can possibly fair, or if the reasons for the dismissal is contrary to law, it is regarded as an automati...