Accommodation in Grabouw / Elgin

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Nestled in a mountain valley, our unique location for the ideal breakaway into the outdoors world.

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3 Guest cottages on a working farm. 2 of the cottages have two bedrooms each. The 3rd cottage is suitable for a couple. Internal fireplace, external braai, w...

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Lavender Cottages are set amongst apple orchards offering spectacular views of the Elgin Valley.

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Once on Aanhouwen you are met with the most beautiful sight of surrounding Groenland Mountains, and the farm dams.

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Wildekrans Country House is a historic 1811 homestead situated in the village of Houw Hoek in the Western Cape. Overlooking a rambling garden that cascades to t...

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Located only an hour out of Cape Town, our self-catering cottages on the farm Kromme Rivier in the Elgin Valley(Grabouw, Western Cape), offer friends and famili...

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Exclusive boutique wine farm situated in the Elgin Valley, South Africa. Enjoy superb wines, an art gallery & sculpture garden featuring local artists, bistro s...

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Surrounded by picturesque orchards, olive groves and cool climate vineyards, we are quickly and easily accessible from the N2 highway.

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