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Napier Arts & Culture
23 - 25 June 2023: De Hoop’s...
Join us for our annual Wine, Whales, and Music event this June!
Pristine Preservation: Beach C...
Join De Hoop Collection, Morukuru Beach Lodge and CapeNature for a special pristine preservation beach clean-up weekend and take 50% OFF our normal rates.
DIY Faux Bricks
Want to change up your space? Here’s an easy DIY project you can do in a day.
Prominent Paints: Accent Strip...
Inject fun and personality into your space with a super simple DIY project that’s small on budget but big on impact: accent stripes.
Colour Of The Year For 2023: ...
Feed your soul when you give your dining room a coat of - Vining Ivy - our Colour of the Year for 2023.
Prominent Premium Gloss Enamel...
Up style your entrance with a front door makeover that says this house has style!
High School Student Captures T...
With the third round of the De Hoop Photography Contest well underway, we’ve been seeing some amazing entries.
Countdown To The Pairing Art ...
ONLY 9 days to go until the Baarskeerdersbos Art Route!
24 September 2022: Pairing Art...
Join our winemaker for a pairing of art and wine.
23 - 25 June 2023: De Hoop’s Annual Wine...

Join us for our annual Wine, Whales, and Music event this June!
Pristine Preservation: Beach Clean-up - 50...

Join De Hoop Collection, Morukuru Beach Lodge and CapeNature for a special pristine preservation beach clean-up weekend and take 50% OFF our...
DIY Faux Bricks

Want to change up your space? Here’s an easy DIY project you can do in a day.
Inject fun and personality into your space with a super simple DIY project that’s small on budget but big on impact: accent stripes. ...
Feed your soul when you give your dining room a coat of - Vining Ivy - our Colour of the Year for 2023.
Up style your entrance with a front door makeover that says this house has style!
High School Student Captures The Beauty of...

With the third round of the De Hoop Photography Contest well underway, we’ve been seeing some amazing entries.
Countdown To The Pairing Art + Wine - On...

ONLY 9 days to go until the Baarskeerdersbos Art Route!
24 September 2022: Pairing Art and Wine

Join our winemaker for a pairing of art and wine.