Welcome to the Pringle Bay & Rooi Els Blog

Great Outdoors

Creative Art Holiday Programme!

Creative Art Holiday Programme...

Unleash your creativity this holiday season with Menucha's exciting Creative Art Holiday Programme! 

23 December 2023: Braai, Rugby, and Cocktails!

23 December 2023: Braai, Rugby...

Join us this Saturday, 23 December 2023, for a good time at HQ Pub!

HQ Pub
Celebrate Christmas at Menucha Coffee & Crafts!

Celebrate Christmas At Menucha...

Indulge in the spirit of the season with a festive Christmas lunch at Menucha Coffee & Crafts! 

Ride the Waves this Holiday!

Ride The Waves This Holiday!

Good news! Clarence Drive is OPEN with stop-and-go's, and your holiday adventure begins right here!

Harold Porter Botanical Garden Plant Sale!

Harold Porter Botanical Garden...

Dive into a world of botanical beauty at the plant sale!

24 November 2023: Fabric Christmas Tree Wall Hanging Workshop

24 November 2023: Fabric Chris...

Get your Christmas fabric scraps out of storage - Christmas is around the corner!

Creative Notions
11 November 2023: Keep Terri's Dream Fundraiser

11 November 2023: Keep Terri's...

Join us to help feed hungry children in Kleinmond!

HQ Pub
4 November - 1 December 2023: Art Exhibition by Jacqui Deane

4 November - 1 December 2023:�...

This first Saturday all roads lead to Chadoka Creative and Bicycles Gallery as we celebrate the opening of Jacqui Deane Artist's show titled ' Creatures and Saints'.

Chadoka Art & Bicycles
3 November 2023: Fynbos Tasting Experience with Giselle Courtney

3 November 2023: Fynbos Tastin...

The flavours of far-off lands are now taken for granted and are part of our everyday cooking. 

Creative Art Holiday Programme!

Creative Art Holiday Programme!

Menucha Coffee & Crafts

Unleash your creativity this holiday season with Menucha's exciting Creative Art Holiday Programme! 

23 December 2023: Braai, Rugby, and Cocktails!

23 December 2023: Braai, Rugby, and Cockta...

HQ Pub

Join us this Saturday, 23 December 2023, for a good time at HQ Pub!

Celebrate Christmas at Menucha Coffee & Crafts!

Celebrate Christmas at Menucha Coffee & Cr...

Menucha Coffee & Crafts

Indulge in the spirit of the season with a festive Christmas lunch at Menucha Coffee & Crafts! 

Ride the Waves this Holiday!

Ride the Waves this Holiday!

Pringle Bay Surf & Sport Shop

Good news! Clarence Drive is OPEN with stop-and-go's, and your holiday adventure begins right here!

Harold Porter Botanical Garden Plant Sale!

Harold Porter Botanical Garden Plant Sale!

Harold Porter National Botanical Garden

Dive into a world of botanical beauty at the plant sale!

24 November 2023: Fabric Christmas Tree Wall Hanging Workshop

24 November 2023: Fabric Christmas Tree Wa...

Creative Notions

Get your Christmas fabric scraps out of storage - Christmas is around the corner!

11 November 2023: Keep Terri's Dream Fundraiser

11 November 2023: Keep Terri's Dream Fundr...

HQ Pub

Join us to help feed hungry children in Kleinmond!

4 November - 1 December 2023: Art Exhibition by Jacqui Deane

4 November - 1 December 2023: Art Exhibit...

Chadoka Art & Bicycles

This first Saturday all roads lead to Chadoka Creative and Bicycles Gallery as we celebrate the opening of Jacqui Deane Artist's show ti...

3 November 2023: Fynbos Tasting Experience with Giselle Courtney

3 November 2023: Fynbos Tasting Experience...

Menucha Coffee & Crafts

The flavours of far-off lands are now taken for granted and are part of our everyday cooking.