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What You Resist, Persists
Take a moment to reflect on the areas of your life that you have been resisting and start to accept them.
Be Honest With Yourself
If you are not satisfied with the results in your life, it is time, to be honest with yourself and face the facts.
How A Transformation Coach Can...
The word Psychosomatic indicates: a discomfort or illness that finds its origin in a mental factor, such as stress or inner conflict.
Recent Review From Lynette Va...
Take a look at what our recent client Lynette had to say about her experience with Paddy's Charter Services & Airport Transfers!
Allow Your Child To Make Mista...
Grant your child the right to make a mistake - it is not failure.
Letting Go Of Past Hurt And Fi...
You can only be hurt or restrained by what happened in the past if you choose to do so.
Live A True Life
You are on your own journey. You have had events that brought you lessons unique to you and to prepare you for your beautiful path.
Trail’s End Bicycle Museum A...
Have you visited the Trail’s End Bicycle Museum yet? I know, ‘Museum’, that sounds boring, well, I hope a few of these reviews might change your mind.
The Origins Of Bikepacking - A...
Annie Londonderry - First lady to ride around the world.
Take a moment to reflect on the areas of your life that you have been resisting and start to accept them.
If you are not satisfied with the results in your life, it is time, to be honest with yourself and face the facts.
How A Transformation Coach Can Help Psych...
The word Psychosomatic indicates: a discomfort or illness that finds its origin in a mental factor, such as stress or inner conflict. ...
Recent Review from Lynette van der Vyver
Take a look at what our recent client Lynette had to say about her experience with Paddy's Charter Services & Airport Transfers...
Grant your child the right to make a mistake - it is not failure.
Letting Go of Past Hurt and Finding Happin...
You can only be hurt or restrained by what happened in the past if you choose to do so.
You are on your own journey. You have had events that brought you lessons unique to you and to prepare you for your beautiful path.
Trail’s End Bicycle Museum a hit with vi...
Have you visited the Trail’s End Bicycle Museum yet? I know, ‘Museum’, that sounds boring, well, I hope a few of these rev...
The Origins of Bikepacking - Annie Londond...
Annie Londonderry - First lady to ride around the world.