Mayor Rabie to Host Women's Day Event

Mayor Rabie to Host Women's Day Event

Overstrand Municipality

Mayor Rabie to Host Women's Day Event

Every year, in August, our country observes Women's Month.

This year, Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, will recognise inspirational local women who have made an outstanding contribution in their respective communities on 13 August 2022.

Nominations must be submitted per ward to the relevant ward councillor, with the closing date for submissions on 22 July 2022.

All the nominations will be submitted to the Mayoral Committee, who will make the final decision on who will attend this year’s event.  

Each ward will have five inspirational women selected to attend the Women’s Day event on 13 August where they will be acknowledged for being an inspiration to their family and communities.

Contact your ward councillor for the nomination forms:

Ald Dudley Coetzee (Ward 1), Ald Theodorah Nqinata (Ward 2), Ald Kari Brice (Ward 3), Cllr Ronald Nutt (Ward 4), Cllr Simphiwe Silo (Ward 5), Cllr Vuyisani Bandeza (Ward 6), Cllr Hybre Lombard (Ward 7), Cllr Arnie Africa (Ward 8), Cllr Grant Cohen (Ward 9), Cllr Theresa Els (Ward 10), Cllr Steven Fourie (Ward 11), Cllr Masibongwe Sihlahla (Ward 12), Cllr Charmaine Resandt (Ward 13), Cllr Riana de Coning (Ward 14). The Proportional Representatives are Ald Elnora Gillion, Cllr Clinton Lerm, Cllr Andrew Komani, Cllr Stephen Williams and Cllr Msa Nomatiti. Their contact details are on the municipal website ( click on About Us and Council.

Mayor Rabie to Host Women's Day Event

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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