What to Recycle

What to Recycle

Overstrand Municipality

What to Recycle

• You don’t need to separate the different items into different bags - just put paper, glass, tins and plastics into the one clear bag

• The golden rule when it comes to using your clear plastic bag is to ensure items are clean and dry

• Food waste, polystyrene foam cups and/or polystyrene containers can not be recycled

• All food scraps and other waste goes into the black refuse bag

Remember, though, that refuse may only be placed on the sidewalk on the day of collection. No black bags may be left on pavement of sidewalk in baboon declared areas.

Below you will find an abbreviated table listing some of the common items resorting under one of these categories which you can safely dispose of in the clear plastic bag so that we can recycle them on your behalf:


Newspapers, magazines, office paper and cardboard; smaller items made from cardboard such as the boxes containing your toothpaste, breakfast cereal or pills or in which eggs are sold


Bottles, containers or receptacles made from glass. Do note that large shards of shattered glass (windscreens, window panes) must be disposed of at building-rubble sites.


Cold-drink, water and milk containers; containers containing items such as cooking oil and household cleansing aids; shopping and refuse bags; yoghurt and ice-cream containers; cling film


Cold-drink and food cans; deodorant and hairspray cans; cans containing household cleansing aids. 

• Do note that tins containing things such as varnish, paint or thinners must be disposed of at building-rubble sites.

What to Recycle

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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