Welcome to the Pringle Bay & Rooi Els Blog
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Apply For Pensioner Or Disable...
It is that time of the year for retired and disabled persons in the Overstrand to apply for rates rebate.
Overstrand Municipality Offers...
Registered bed and breakfast establishments and guest houses with three to five lettable rooms can apply for the following rebates on property tax.
17 June 2023: Learn About Wine
Monthly wine-tasting and training sessions.
Show Up For Yourself Every Day
It is when we look back, still holding the fears of failure and confidence, that yesterday's goal again becomes today's mountain.
Chili Oil
Chili oil is a versatile condiment that is made by infusing oil with chili peppers or chili flakes.
Achieving Balance As Defined B...
Biological life on Earth consists of two sexes: male and female. The universal expression of energy is feminine and masculine.
10 June 2023: Creative Geomet...
This week, we will construct and personalize with colour: the 12-pointed star, using the flower of life design.
Winter Clothes For Boys, Teens...
Winter is here! Pringle Bay Surf & Sport Shop is here to make sure you stay warm throughout the winter.
Don't Ignore Your Burnout
Do you feel heavy in your body, your mind racing, is your emotional levels in overdrive, and you have a deep-seated longing to run away from it all?
Apply for Pensioner or Disabled Support
It is that time of the year for retired and disabled persons in the Overstrand to apply for rates rebate.
Registered bed and breakfast establishments and guest houses with three to five lettable rooms can apply for the following rebates on proper...
17 June 2023: Learn about Wine
Monthly wine-tasting and training sessions.
It is when we look back, still holding the fears of failure and confidence, that yesterday's goal again becomes today's mountain. ...
Chili Oil
Chili oil is a versatile condiment that is made by infusing oil with chili peppers or chili flakes.
Achieving Balance as defined by the Univer...
Biological life on Earth consists of two sexes: male and female. The universal expression of energy is feminine and masculine.
10 June 2023: Creative Geometric Art
This week, we will construct and personalize with colour: the 12-pointed star, using the flower of life design.
Winter is here! Pringle Bay Surf & Sport Shop is here to make sure you stay warm throughout the winter.
Do you feel heavy in your body, your mind racing, is your emotional levels in overdrive, and you have a deep-seated longing to run away from...