Welcome to the Pringle Bay & Rooi Els Blog
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Prominent Paints Black Leopard
How about just a hint of black on your ball and claw bath tub?
13 November 2022: Sunday Lunch...
Join Menucha Coffee and Crafts on Sunday for a delicious Sunday roast.
Five Blue Flags For Overstrand
Overstrand is exceptionally proud that five of its beaches are among the 51 South African beaches that have been accredited this season to display the Blue Flag.
FNB Wines2Whales
The FNB Wines2Whales mountain bike stage races came to an end on Sunday 6 November 2022.
Pre-Paid Electricity - TID Rol...
Overstrand Municipality will be starting with the pre-paid electricity metering software update (TID rollover) from 1 November 2022.
Cabinetry Projects Completed I...
Recent cabinetry projects completed in Pringle Bay.
Select Sheen Paint
Choose a hard-wearing easy-to-clean paint like our low-odour Select Sheen.
Register For Consideration Of ...
Categories B & C indigent households (households with a property value up to R220 000) are being phased out from November 2022...
Make Sure You Are Wildfire Com...
The importance of ensuring that all vacant plots, public open spaces and other fire hazard areas, are cleared of fire fuel and alien vegetation, once again comes to mind.
How about just a hint of black on your ball and claw bath tub?
13 November 2022: Sunday Lunch Roast
Join Menucha Coffee and Crafts on Sunday for a delicious Sunday roast.
Five Blue Flags for Overstrand
Overstrand is exceptionally proud that five of its beaches are among the 51 South African beaches that have been accredited this season...
FNB Wines2Whales
The FNB Wines2Whales mountain bike stage races came to an end on Sunday 6 November 2022.
Overstrand Municipality will be starting with the pre-paid electricity metering software update (TID rollover) from 1 November 2022. ...
Cabinetry Projects Completed in Pringle Ba...
Recent cabinetry projects completed in Pringle Bay.
Select Sheen Paint
Choose a hard-wearing easy-to-clean paint like our low-odour Select Sheen.
Categories B & C indigent households (households with a property value up to R220 000) are being phased out from November 2022... ...
The importance of ensuring that all vacant plots, public open spaces and other fire hazard areas, are cleared of fire fuel and alien vegetat...