Choose Happiness Everyday!
We must choose the kind of day we want to experience and then go out and live it.
A hard lesson I learned during a three-year "battle zone" trying to settle a divorce. It was easy to fall into despair, fear, and anger. Until the day I decided no more.
It happened on one of my Sunday morning walks along the beach - a place of recharge for me. I realized as I got back to my car I did not know if the waves were big or small, the colour of the water, were there stones and shells on the beach? I didn't breathe in the sea. I was so busy in my head.
I then decided if I could only manage my Sunday walks in happiness, joy, love, or peace then I am going to do it. I use to pick a happy song to sing. I would imagine these amazing scenes on the beach. I would just laugh and walk with my feet in the water. (Now I have a bag filled with stones - some with holes, and one in the shape of a heart.)
We must choose what we want to experience. We are spoiled with so much beauty and wonder around, that if we do not pick what we desire, we will have nothing.
I told you what I choose today. What will you choose?