Live A True Life
The thread through any book you read about people on their deathbed, do an internet search on greatest regrets on the deathbed, or speak to any elderly person, is the regret that they didn't live a "true" life.
The three top regrets:
• I wish I wasn't so critical of myself, and I lived my dream and not what others expected of me.
• I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
• I wish I did not work so hard and missed out on my life in the process.
You are on your own journey. You have had events that brought you lessons unique to you and to prepare you for your beautiful path. If you want to fit your path and experiences into the box of anyone else, you will always be disappointed.
Today is the day you can make a difference. You have two options: you either become part of the statistics with the greatest regrets, or you become an example of how to be authentic. How to live your greatest life and how to create love wherever you go.
I know what I chose, what will you choose? Will you make that change today or risk losing out on your greatest gift?