Set Good Intentions for the Day
I am not talking about all the tasks ahead, I am talking about the kind of day you want to experience.
Decide every morning before you open your eyes, what kind of a day you would like to experience. A day of peace, love, joy, or perhaps a day of harmony. Then go out and experience your day from that intention.
Yes, things will go wrong. Yes, people might be rude. Yes, you might have huge demands. But when you address those demands, people or troubles from a place of peace, love or joy, you become the winner. You make a decision and a choice as to how you want to experience the day.
I have often witnessed how perceived problems disappear and how stressful demands and deadlines become manageable. Every time you say I would just like a peaceful day, make a choice in every action of how you can create peace in this moment.
It is the attitude we bring to the situation that determines the experience. You can start right now. What kind of day would you like to experience today?