Welcome to the L'Agulhas / Struisbaai Blog
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Agulhas Great Outdoors
4 December 2022: Sunday Lunch ...
Enjoy a delicious Sunday lunch buffet at Old Cape Last Trading Post.
12 + 13 December 2022: Space A...
Are you looking for fun and educational activities for your kids during the holiday?
7 January 2023: Rondomtalie Ro...
Kom ondersteun en geniet ons rolbal toernooi!
Cape Agulhas Classic Mountain ...
Ride and run down South for the holiday!
Struisbaai Somer Sessies: Mus...
Catch Cook Restaurant en Beach Bar in samewerking met Heineken en Savanna bied aan die Musiek Skouspel van die jaar in Desember 2022!
17 December 2022: Chas Everit...
Kom ondersteun en geniet ons rolbal toernooi!
5 November 2022: Rugby - Autum...
Join us on Saturday for a braai day and the Autumn Rugby Internationals between South Africa and Ireland.
22 October 2022: Angling Skin...
Zoetendal Academy presents Angling Skins on Saturday, 22 October 2022.
4 December 2022: Sunday Lunch Buffet

Enjoy a delicious Sunday lunch buffet at Old Cape Last Trading Post.
12 + 13 December 2022: Space Agency Holida...

Are you looking for fun and educational activities for your kids during the holiday?
Kom ondersteun en geniet ons rolbal toernooi!
Ride and run down South for the holiday!
Struisbaai Somer Sessies: Musiek Skouspel

Catch Cook Restaurant en Beach Bar in samewerking met Heineken en Savanna bied aan die Musiek Skouspel van die jaar in Desember 2022! ...
17 December 2022: Chas Everitt Bowling To...

Kom ondersteun en geniet ons rolbal toernooi!
Join us on Saturday for a braai day and the Autumn Rugby Internationals between South Africa and Ireland.
26 October 2022: Sushi Course Paired with ...

Eat what you make!
22 October 2022: Angling Skins

Zoetendal Academy presents Angling Skins on Saturday, 22 October 2022.