Acknowledge The Goals You Achieved
We often get so caught up in the grind of achieving our goals, that we lose perspective of what we have already achieved. Part of our motivation towards our goals is to be able to see what has been mastered. Our thoughts are in the past and in the future. Seldom do we pause to experience the present.
• What have you already achieved?
• Is what has been achieved still in line with the goal?
• What changes need to be made, if any?
• What will be the next best step?
• Who can you involve or hire to assist in the next phase?
• What must be discarded that is not serving this goal?
• What have you lost in your drive towards this goal that you want to re-instate?
• Is this goal still serving your greater goal?
Go out to a coffee shop with your goals. Switch off your phone - this will only take 30 minutes. Ask these questions of every one of your goals. Make the changes that need to be made. You have just given yourself thirty minutes of the best of your time, which will result in renewed focus and motivation.