
COVID-19 and your SHORT-TERM Insurance

COVID-19 and your SHORT-TERM Insurance


COVID-19 and your SHORT-TERM Insurance

If money is tight and you cannot pay your premium rather DOWNSCALE than lose your cover.

REMOVE ALL RISK ITEMS for this time and add them again later this will lower your premium. 

If your vehicle is parked at home and not driven we can CHANGE YOUR COVER from comprehensive to limited or third party only and change back to comprehensive cover when driving again.

DO NOT CANCEL your policy contact us. We can help you!

Relief measures insurance companies offer: 


Announced that it will refund 20% of motor premiums paid in April for all its personal lines and commercial lines clients. 

Discovery Insure

All Discovery insure clients will now receive a premium discount of up to 25% on their next premium.

Old Mutual Insure

Old Mutual Insure is offering various relief options available to customers. 


Safire is offering various relief options on an individual basis.

These are but a few.  All major Insurance Companies have a relief plan in place to assist their clients please contact us to help you find your solution.   

COVID-19 and your SHORT-TERM Insurance


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