Be on the lookout for stranded turtles

Be on the lookout for stranded turtles

Overstrand Municipality

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Be on the lookout for stranded turtles

Please be on the lookout for any weak, floating, sad looking or stranded turtles along the Overstrand beaches.

The TURTLE RESCUE HOTLINE is 083 300 1663 to report stranded turtles.

Alternatively phone African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary - APSS in Gansbaai on 072 598 7117 or the Environmental Management Section of Overstrand Municipality on 028 316 3724 (o/h) or the 24h Control Room 028 313 8000/8111 or 24h Emergency Control Room on 028 313 8980 (a/h).

Be on the lookout for stranded turtles

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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