Launch of Overstrand Joint Public Safety Forum
The Overstrand Joint Public Safety Forum was launched at the Overstrand Municipal head office by Deputy Mayor Lindile Ntsabo on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 and was well represented by key role players of SAPS, CPF’s, Neighbourhood Watches, SRA’s, Cape Nature, Dept of Home Affairs, Dept of Education, AfriForum and Overstrand Municipality Protection Services.
This joint integrated effort is to commit ourselves to create a safer Overstrand for all.
The main objective is to identify hot spot areas and to strategise on how to address the challenges on the table.
It was agreed that:
• Resources must be shared to combat certain crimes which is on the increase.
• An intelligence and result driven approach to operations conducted will be maintained.
• Partnership and one force are needed.
Law enforcement agencies must join and work together going forward to combat crime as partnership remain a key element of this integrated approach.
The Forum will meet monthly on the last Wednesday of each month and will be chaired by the Deputy Mayor.