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Press Release: Honouring our Rangers

Press Release: Honouring Our R...

World Ranger Day is celebrated on 31 July every year to honour the meaningful work of rangers and guides.

Voter Registration Weekend Postponed

Voter Registration Weekend Pos...

Voter registration weekend postponed until further notice.

World Hepatitis Day 2021

World Hepatitis Day 2021

Viral hepatitis - a group of infectious diseases known as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, and hepatitis E.

Kleinmond Apteek
Alert Level 3 Covid-19 Regulations

Alert Level 3 Covid-19 Regulat...

A limited number of visitors will be allowed access per day and in compliance to adjusted alert level 3 Covid-19 regulations.

Keep Track of Business Trips

Keep Track Of Business Trips

Have your vehicle trips in a printable format for SARS at business year-end.

Digit Overstrand
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Kleinmond Apteek will be doing the Johnson & Johnson (only 1 jab) vaccine.

Kleinmond Apteek
Indigent Accounts

Indigent Accounts

Overstrand Municipality is currently busy confirming information on all indigent accounts.

UPDATE*: Vaccination Sites in the Overberg District (26-30 July 2021)

UPDATE*: Vaccination Sites In ...

*Herewith the updated list of vaccination sites within our area.

Our delivery is back up and running!

Our Delivery Is Back Up And Ru...

Our delivery is back up and running!

Kleinmond Apteek
Press Release: Honouring our Rangers

Press Release: Honouring our Rangers

Overstrand Municipality

World Ranger Day is celebrated on 31 July every year to honour the meaningful work of rangers and guides.

Voter Registration Weekend Postponed

Voter Registration Weekend Postponed

Overstrand Municipality

Voter registration weekend postponed until further notice.

World Hepatitis Day 2021

World Hepatitis Day 2021

Kleinmond Apteek

Viral hepatitis - a group of infectious diseases known as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, and hepatitis E.

Alert Level 3 Covid-19 Regulations

Alert Level 3 Covid-19 Regulations

Harold Porter National Botanical Garden

A limited number of visitors will be allowed access per day and in compliance to adjusted alert level 3 Covid-19 regulations.

Keep Track of Business Trips

Keep Track of Business Trips

Digit Overstrand

Have your vehicle trips in a printable format for SARS at business year-end.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Kleinmond Apteek

Kleinmond Apteek will be doing the Johnson & Johnson (only 1 jab) vaccine.

Indigent Accounts

Indigent Accounts

Overstrand Municipality

Overstrand Municipality is currently busy confirming information on all indigent accounts.

UPDATE*: Vaccination Sites in the Overberg District (26-30 July 2021)

UPDATE*: Vaccination Sites in the Overberg...

Overstrand Municipality

*Herewith the updated list of vaccination sites within our area.

Our delivery is back up and running!

Our delivery is back up and running!

Kleinmond Apteek

Our delivery is back up and running!