Unlocking Success: Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Achieving Your Desires
The question is: will you allow it to land?
When we believe that we are not deserving, that we can ONLY receive through hard work, that we must work against the competition, etc., we trigger actions of self-sabotage.
Even when the greatest opportunity presents itself is bigger than life, you will search for reasons not to be worthy, to work hard for it, and live in fear that the competition will get there first. All of these will take your focus away from the shortest, easiest route to your goal.
Henry Ford said: "Whether you believe you can or can't, you're right". Apply this to your belief of not being worthy, life is tough and you can only achieve through blood, sweat, and tears and re-evaluate your chances of receiving your desire.
What do you choose to believe regarding your desires? Are you ready for your desire to materialise today?