Optimise Fleet Management with Tipper Alarm and Digit Tracking
Fleet management of construction and mining vehicles is not a simple task. Besides these being high-valued assets, they also need to be working at their optimum to ensure you are achieving your best results.
Are you, as a fleet manager, confident all your cargo is reaching its desired destination at the right time… Or are you worried you are losing money due to theft of cargo? Certain cargo such as sand, stone, coal, iron ore, dolomite, fertilizers etc. are often quantified in a volumetric weight [tonnage] and may be difficult to monitor and manage if not done correctly. Ensure cargo gets to the right destination, at the right time with Tipper Alarm. Digit Tracking and Tipper Alarm will allow you to track, monitor and manage the off-load of all cargo. System Alarms, Email and SMS/ TEXT Alerts can be set to warn you of diversions on predetermined routes, unwarranted stops through Digit tracker technologies or off-loading of cargo through Digit Tipper Alarm. Combine Digit Tracking and Tipper Alarm with DFuel, DTag and DNav technologies to monitor and manage delivery routes, speed, distance, trip durations, fuel consumption [driver/ operator behaviour & performance], driver/ operator identification and optimised communication.