
9 Home Security Tips

9 Home Security Tips

Sandown Bay Security

Extra tips to use along with your home security system to help protect your home and loved ones:

  1. Create the illusion that someone is at your house.
  2. Always look at your surroundings before opening the door.
  3. Don't leave spare keys in obvious locations.
  4. Secure your sliding glass doors.
  5. Lock all doors before leaving home or going to bed.
  6. Keep trees and bushes around your home trimmed.
  7. Get to know your neighbours.
  8. Even when you are at home keep external doors locked.
  9. Most important get your alarm system checked on a regular basis.
9 Home Security Tips

Sandown Bay Security

Sandown Bay Security is a well-established security company providing home and commercial security solutions for communities Kleinmond, Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els. The state-of-the-art control centre, centrally located in Kleinmond, is monitored by an experienced support team trained to...

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