
Crèches have been given the green light to open

Crèches have been given the green light to open

Overstrand Municipality

Crèches have been given the green light to open

Early Childhood Development centres (ECDs) also known as crèches have been given the green light to open, as parents and children are dependent on this service. Children need the teaching and care for their well-being and parents need to have their children in safe care.

Before ECDs can open they need to have health and hygiene protocols in place. Enlighten Education Trust and Flower Valley Conservation Trust can assist all the crèches in the Overstrand with their compliance requirements.

These organisations are also responsible for verifying whether a facility may or may not open.

Staff members of ECD centres that are ready to open will be receiving training, and will ultimately require Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and sanitising and cleaning material.

Many facilities can't afford these and would therefore not be able to open. The Western Cape Government has committed to providing support, but their funds are severely limited. Overstrand Municipality will also assist. This will not be enough and we are appealing for your support to ensure that all the ECDs open.

ECDs need the following:

• 2 x Cloth masks for every adult on-site;

• 1 x additional mask/visor for every 10 children, in case a child becomes ill at the centre;

• 1 x 1 Litre spray gun for cleaning and sanitising;

• 1 x water-soluble sanitiser tablet (creates 1 Litre of sanitiser;

• 1 x roll of duct tape or similar for physical distancing markings;

• 2 x pairs of rubber gloves for cleaning and managing waste;

• 30 x cleaning cloths;

• 1 x 5 Litre bleach for cleaning;

• 1 x tippy tap if extra water points are needed;

• 2 x boxes of tissues (or toilet paper that can be used as tissues);

• 3 x Disposable hand paper towel rolls;

• 1 x pack of 12 soap bars;

• 1 x 5 Litre dishwashing liquid;

• 1 x 5 Litre disinfectant (Example Dettol); and

• 1 x digital thermometer

If you are able to contribute please contact:

Olothando Mtsamane at Enlighten Education Trust (the organisation works with all the ECD's from Hermanus to Rooi-Els)

Email: or phone 063 806 9121 / 028 313 0974


Rita Graham at Flower Valley Conservation Trust (the organisation works with all the ECD's from Stanford to Buffeljagsbaai)

Email: or phone 084 040 8270

Crèches have been given the green light to open

Overstrand Municipality

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