Overstrand Dam Levels Are Dropping

Overstrand Dam Levels Are Dropping

Overstrand Municipality

Overstrand Dam Levels Are Dropping

Overstrand Municipality is calling on residents to continue using water in a responsible manner in order to avoid future water shortages.

Although there are currently no formal water restrictions in the Overstrand, the Municipality has a permanent provision that prohibits residents from irrigating gardens between 09:00 - 17:00 in order to prevent unnecessary loss of water through evaporation as per the water services by-law no. 46.(1).

The Overstrand receives its water from six dams and several springs, boreholes and rivers. 

The De Bos Dam in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, is the Greater Hermanus’ main water source apart from the 12 boreholes.

The De Bos Dam is currently 87.4% full compared to 86,01% by end March 2021 and a very low 41.94% at the end of March 2020. 

The average daily water consumption in Hermanus during February 2022 was 13.17 million litres per day, compared to 12.58 million litres per day during February 2021 and 10.79 million liters per day during February 2020, when level 2 water restrictions were still in place.

Rooi-Els, Pringle Bay and Betty’s Bay are supplied from the Buffels River Dam, Kleinmond from the Palmiet River, Gansbaai from the Kraaibosch Dam and the Grotte and De Kelders Springs, Stanford from the Eye Spring and two boreholes, and Pearly Beach from the Pearly Beach and Koekemoer Dams.

The Buffels River and Kraaibosch Dams are still above 85% of capacity, while the combined level of the two dams at Pearly Beach is at 65% of capacity.

Overstrand Municipal Manager, Dean O'Neill says the water levels are being constantly monitored, and appropriate steps will be taken if deemed necessary.

In an effort to maintain a culture of water conservation, we have a collective responsibility to use water sparingly. This means thinking about water differently and finding more efficient ways of using it. 

Let's try to make a difference: 

• Do not leave taps dripping
• Wash your car on the grass, this will water your lawn at the same time
• Shorten your showering time
• Close the tap while brushing your teeth
• Take shallow baths
• Re-use water to water your garden or pot plants
• Limit washing the dishes to once a day
• Check for leaking taps and/or connections and repair it
• Where possible install water efficient fittings and technologies

Residents are advised to continue to report all burst pipes and leaking water meters to the 24-hour Control Room 028 313 8111.

Overstrand Dam Levels Are Dropping

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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