
A Vibrant Mixture of Colour and Culture

Before getting side-tracked by the long main road that leads you all the way from one end of Napier to the other, take a small journey to the peaceful suburb of Nuwerus. Follow the winding gravel road that leads you past rows of tall growing trees and short streets bustling with life. Here a proud community resides and greets you with hearty smiles as you discover the trails laid out by the footprints of their ancestors.

Here you are met by a painter’s palet of colour whether it be the vibrant colours of the quilts being laid out to dry in the warm sun or the pastel-coloured painted houses lining the streets. These appealing, albeit mismatched, colours of the houses have added to the area’s nickname of Smartie Town.  

The vibrant community with its humble beginnings is working towards becoming a self-sustainable unit. Though most of the residents work in town and on the surrounding farms, Nuwerus has its own primary school, church and small convenient stores. Nuwerus also has its own Soccer (Football) Club which meets often around the area.

This small and friendly community is also privileged enough to have one of the most unhindered views in Napier as its backdrop. Slopes of green and yellow fields colour the landscape until it crashes into the clear blue skies that seems to stretch on forever overhead. Turning your gaze towards town your eyes follow the slight valley in which parts of the colourful houses lie and you get a clear view all the way down the valley with the odd row of trees that lines it. This rugged little piece of town truly provides a look into a different world of views, colour and culture and should definitely be on your list of things to visit when visiting Napier.