Embrace the New Year: Mastering Emotional Skills for a Joyful 2024
Now that you have had time to reflect on 2023 and you have re-visited your goals for 2024, what is the emotional skill that you want to master this coming year?
As we go through life we sometimes lose our ability to experience life with joy, happiness, love, peace, etc. We get caught in the stress of every day demands and responsibilities. We might have been hurt by others when we expressed joy or love, so we lock the emotion away. We suppress it so we can never be vulnerable again.
But imagine you decide this year you are going to experience life from a place of love or happiness or joy. Yes the fridge is still going to break. Yes there will be difficult clients. Yes things will go wrong, but what if you look at that "problem" from a place of love, joy or happiness?
How different will your actions be? What are the chances that you will be more relaxed? When your stress levels drop, what will happen to your health? What will happen to your relationships? Do you think it will be easier to solve the problem?
When we learn and understand that anger will bring more anger, fear brings more fear, frustration stimulates frustration, then we can imply that love will bring love. Joy will follow joy. Happiness will create happiness.
Are you ready to experience life differently? Are you ready to decide what kind of a year you are going to experience? Are you ready to create the reality you want to live in?
What is your word for 2024?