Leadership Beyond Vision: Unleashing Your Personal Power for Business Success
I often see polls taken on social media platforms. And they all ask similar questions:
What do you view as a crucial factor and a key ingredient in the success of your business?
Then they provide options such as a) a visionary leader, b) product or service innovation c) strong market research d) exceptional customer service, and many more.
Hardly ever do I see personal development, a leader with high EQ, a leader who mastered they limitations, etc.
I have had very mediocre businesses in my past and I see it when my clients get stuck and their businesses suffer, the biggest reason is the limitations they (and me in the past) bring to the table. As a leader you whole heartedly might believe that your vision is feasible, you might desire a successful outcome with every fibre in your body. If you cannot drive that vision from a personally empowered personality, you will work hard to bring that vision to fruition.
Your leadership is dependent on more than the vision and guidance you provide. You are the fuel in the engine, the water in the hose of the fire truck. If the fuel or the water is lacking, the outcome will be lacking.
Will you invest in yourself as an asset for your business? Could you perceive that your success not only depends on your hard work? Is there a possibility that you are a spanner in the works through your management style, based on your personality? Do you micro-manage, do you fear certain aspects it actions, do you over think every step, are you anxious about possible problems (that might not even happen)?
A strong and balanced leader will not enforce their limitations on their team.
Next time you look at the essential factors in the success of your business, put yourself at the top of the list.