Botrivier, Western Cape, South Africa
The directions to Botrivier take you to an east-facing glen along the N2 National Road, about a 30-minute drive from Hermanus in the Overberg. Long before Western settlers discovered it, the Khoisan would let their livestock graze along the banks of the Kouga River that flows toward the Botriver Estuary. Delving into the history of Botrivier, you will discover that the name originates from the name “butter” (botter in Dutch), which refers to the butter that the Khoisan used to make and barter with traders who came especially for it from the Cape.
Botrivier was officially established in the 1890s when a hotel was built, and this was followed by a railway line from Cape Town in 1902, which allowed for easier trading.
Nowadays, the Botrivier is ripe with farms that produce fynbos, wheat and wine. The historical wine estates are a popular tourist destination for visitors from around the globe, and many of them offer world-class restaurants that are coupled with their tasting rooms.
Another experience not to miss is a visit to one of the many farm stalls where you can buy fresh produce and locally produced baked goods, preserves and speciality products such as homemade liqueurs. Keep an eye on the news in Botrivier to keep up-to-date with upcoming events and festivals which are regularly held in the area.
Conveniently close to the city but far enough inland to avoid the crowds, Botrivier presents the opportunity for a quick weekend away to recharge and unwind. There is an abundance of accommodation in Botrivier and the unique offerings include hotels, log cabins, county houses, luxury villas and basic self-catering cottages.
When you are not relaxing you can enjoy one of the many things to do in Botrivier that include exploring the Houwhoek Pass on foot, MTB or the way our ancestors did, on horseback. Fly fishing and bird watching are also popular activities in-and-around the lagoon.
A move to the country may just be in the cards and you may want to call one of the estate agents in Botrivier so that you can enjoy life in the country, every day.
Botrivier Top Attractions
Discover the Top Attractions of Botrivier at the foot of the Houw Hoek Pass. From award-winning wines to exciting outdoor activities, you'll...
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Botrivier Tourism
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