We are who we are because of our choices
Most people are constantly comparing themselves to other people. The cars they drive. The house they live in. The friends they have. The qualifications they have. Their hair, eyes, and weight.
On a physical level, we understand the differences. For the rest, it is your belief system that withholds you from achieving your dreams. You have the potential to be blissfully happy. To have abundant wealth, health, love and joy.
When we walk around every day bemoaning our lot, we have become victims and we feed the beliefs we hold that "says" we are a victim. Do you think that you are not good enough? What about not having enough money? Do you believe that you are not intelligent enough to study? Do you believe that you are always tired?
Whatever you tell yourself, about yourself, will become your reality. Rather spend your time identifying your limiting beliefs. Know that they are only stories and that you hold the power and choice to change it, and to make those changes today.
Will you be honest with yourself and choose to make a choice for your good? Will you set a date and time now?!