Don't Let Fear Destroy Your Dreams
Fear, the biggest destroyer of dreams. We will self-sabotage in the process of avoiding feeling fear in our body. At the same time, when we live for extended periods of time with fear, we become so used to it that we become "addicted" to it and we continue to search for it in our everyday life. The cycle has started, and we see ourselves as failures.
The purpose of fear is to bring your attention to the now. Not to conjure up all kinds of scenarios of doom and gloom. Fear brings all your focus to this moment, so you may take action.
We are constantly busy with yesterday and tomorrow and hardly ever present in the now. Fear jolts you back to this moment. Draws all your energy to now. Here where you must take action.
By avoiding fear, you are actually building even more fear. You suppress it and then start stacking on top of it. Until one day, your body says: no more, and you become ill.
Allow the fear to show. Focus on what it is putting under the spotlight. What is it within you that triggers the fear? Work with the trigger. Allow the fear to pass through and gain your power and strength.
What does your fear teach you about yourself?