What is your heart dream?
How often have you allowed your dreams to fade, even before you have started? You tell yourself they are too big, you don't have the finances or the time. You tell yourself you are not qualified, and no one will support you.
The truth is, you don't believe that you are worthy or deserving of the dream. You believe that there is no value in you. You believe you have no skills, you lack self-confidence. When we believe we are not deserving, we can not allow what we most desire to flow to us. Most of this happens so automatically that you are completely unaware that you are doing it.
Sadly, we self-sabotage, and we block our dreams even before we take one action.
What is your heart dream? Are you prepared to move forward one step at a time? What will your life look like without it?
Have you written your dream down, seeing it in your mind's eye, and could you feel how amazing it feels to live that dream? If you can do that, your wish can come true.
What will you do today as your first step? What is your worth?