Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken
Too often I work with clients who feel that they are failures, by the standards they place on themselves, from their limited point of view of other people and what other people have reached.
Remember, we are a community. We need plumbers, we need teachers, we need doctors, we need lawyers. We dare not "look down" on any of these professions, because perhaps your talent lies exactly in the profession you are looking down on. Because of your talent, you are a valued member of this community.
What you can copy and emulate is the skills they applied - confidence, self-belief, commitment, discipline, continued focus. However, should you judge yourself because you cannot achieve the "prestigious" profession, you will never be successful in your "talent". Your negative self-talk will ensure that you self-sabotage at every opportunity.
We are a community. Let us be an example of love, compassion, commitment, support, and building our best future together. When we stand in our truth, we feel free and open to help our neighbour by being an example through our truth. Be true to what makes your heart sing. And then, go out and become the best version of that true you.