Nuwe KABA Komitee / New CABA Committee

Nuwe KABA Komitee / New CABA Committee

CABA (Cape Agulhas Business Association)

Nuwe KABA Komitee / New CABA Committee

Die nuwe KABA komitee het hul spanbou en strategie sessie gehad. Die komitee het hul portefeuljes gekry en ons gekoöpteerde lede se rolle is bevestig.

Ons portefeuljes is as volg: 

Committee members:

1.) Chair: Eloïse Krige
2.) Vice-Chair: Waldo Strydom
3.) Treasurer: Ben Bester
4.) Secretary: Kirsté Carpenter
5.) Member Liaison: Alta du Toit
6.) Affiliations: Kent Georgala
7.) Marketing: Ben Smit
8.) Events: Lorinda Nel
9.) Special Projects: Deon Venter
10.) Technical Support: Mandy Carpenter

Co-opted members:

1.) Derick Burger: KAM
2.) Chantell Hoeftman: Newsletters, Certificates and Membership Cards
3.) Joh-Marie van Heerden: Events Calendar
4.) Jackie Swart: Marketing on Social Media

Nuwe KABA Komitee / New CABA Committee

CABA (Cape Agulhas Business Association)

CABA (Cape Agulhas Business Association) is a non-profit organisation in Bredasdorp that aims to forge business relationships within communities. The organisation strives to create a vibrant and sustainable socio-economic environment in the Cape Agulhas region, by having open discussions with all bu...

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