Zoetendal Akademie open vir 25ste skooljaar!

Zoetendal Akademie open vir 25ste skooljaar!

Zoetendal Akademie / Academy

Zoetendal Akademie open vir 25ste skooljaar!

Laerskool aan Afrika se suidpunt verwelkom amper vyf keer soveel leerders in 25ste bestaansjaar

Klein lyfies met groot tasse het Woensdagoggend, 19 Januarie, by die hekke van Zoetendal Akademie in L’Agulhas ingekom. Vandag is daar byna vyf keer soveel leerders as die altesaam 22 waarmee die skool 25 jaar gelede geopen het. 

Hierdie onafhanklike skool is in 1996 as ‘n nie-wins organisasie gestig met die doel om onderrig van die hoogste gehalte in klein klasse aan die suidpunt van Afrika te bied. In 1997 het die skool met 22 leerders begin in die Herberg Kinderhuis se strandhuis. In 2000 is die skoolterrein in Melkbosstraat, L’Agulhas, vir die eerste keer gebruik. Sederdien het dit geweldig uitgebrei. “Ons begin ons vyf-en-twintigste bestaansjaar met 108 leerlinge. Ons is so trots op wat die skool alles vermag het en ons het nog soveel planne om vir ons kinders net die beste te kan gee.” het die skoolhoof, Yolanda de Waal gesê. 

Kinders kan vanaf graad RR tot graad 7 skoolgaan by hierdie dubbelmedium skool om die hoek van die L’Agulhas Nasionale Park en die bekende vuurtoring aan die suidpunt van Afrika. “Ons glo in klein klasse vir beter individuele aandag, dat elke kind sy eie talente het en ons streef daarna om dit te help ontwikkel.”  

Volgens de Waal is die skool tans druk besig met die beplanning van onder meer die ontwikkeling van sportgronde in L’Agulhas, die aanbou van nog klaskamers en ‘n rekenaarvaardigheidsentrum. Belangstellendes wat meer wil weet en moontlik wil bydra tot die befondsing van hierdie projekte is welkom om ‘n epos te stuur na zaoffice19@gmail.com of die kantoor te skakel by 076 353 5699.


Primary School at Africa’s southernmost tip opens door for 25th year 

Little boys and girls with large suitcases were among the children who entered the gates to Zoetendal Academy on Wednesday, January 19th, to start Grade 1 at this primary school in L’Agulhas. Now there are five times the number of learners enrolled here compared to the total of 22 the school started with 25 years ago. 

This independent primary school was founded in 1996 as a non-profit organisation with the aim to provide excellent education in small classes at the southern tip of Africa. The school opened in 1997 with 22 learners in a building of the Herberg Children’s Home. In 2000, the current school grounds in Melkbos Street, L’Agulhas were used for the first time and it has since expanded tremendously. “Today, in our 25th year of existence, we start the school year with just over 100 learners. We are proud of what the school has accomplished and still have so many plans to give our children only the best,” said principal Yolanda de Waal. 

Learners from grade RR to grade 7 are catered for at the dual-medium school close to the L’Agulhas National Park and the famous lighthouse at the southernmost tip of Africa. “We believe in small classes for better individual attention, we believe that every child has his or her own talents and strive to help develop them,” de Waal said.

According to de Waal future plans the school is working on include the development of sportsgrounds, building more classrooms and a computer skills centre with all the opportunities it can bring. Anyone interested in finding out more and supporting these projects, can send an email to zaoffice19@gmail.com or call the office on 076 353 5699.

Skoolhoof Yolanda de Waal verwelkom leerlinge by Zoetendal Akademie in L’Agulhas aan die begin van die 25ste jaar waarin laerskoolonderrig van die hoogste standaard hier aan die suidste punt van Afrika aangebied word. (Fotograaf: Adrie Daniel)

Principal Yolanda de Waal welcomes learners at Zoetendal Academy in L’Agulhas (Western Cape) as the school opens for the 25th year providing primary school education of the highest standard at the southernmost tip of Africa.

Zoetendal Akademie open vir 25ste skooljaar!

Zoetendal Akademie / Academy

Zoetendal Akademie / Academy is a dual-medium, primary school in Agulhas. The non-profit organisation aims to create a safe, happy and stable environment for learners between the ages of four and 13. At Zoetendal Akademie / Academy, education is coupled with art, culture, sport and extramural acti...

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