Heuwelkroon and Boesmanskloof

Heuwelkroon and Boesmanskloof is perfectly situated with a backdrop of the Sonderend mountains. The exquisite setting will take your breath away and adds to the charm of the area.

21-3-02  from Parkridge

The community is small and very closely knit with a very jovial atmosphere. Pretty vegetable gardens can be found around most of the homes, which is sometimes a part of the Greyton Transition Town initiative. The community is trying to be more organic and sustainable to sufficiently provide for themsleves.


There are a few small shops, amenities and schools in the areas. Otherwise most of the services are sourced from nearby Genadendal or Greyton. Some of the horse riding trails lead through Heuwelkroon and Boesmanskloof and it is a chance for visitors to see how this jovial community lives.