Welcome to the Greyton / Genadendal Blog


Transform Your Day: A Mindful Morning Routine

Transform Your Day: A Mindful ...

How do you start your day? Pressing the pause button on your alarm clock? 

Your Insecurities - an Indicator of Self Doubt?

Your Insecurities - An Indicat...

Your Insecurity is only an Indicator of your Self-Doubt.

Retrenchments - The Devastation

Retrenchments - The Devastatio...

The Devastation of Retrenchments in the Work Place.

AF Consulting
Unlocking the Power Within with Sue Leppan

Unlocking The Power Within Wit...

This month, Sue Leppan, your dedicated Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach, delves into the fascinating world of beliefs.

Shift Your Perspective: Embracing Growth through Attitude Adjustment

Shift Your Perspective: Embrac...

Attitude is your approach or the way you view something - your perception - based on your outlook, your mindset, and your feelings.

Cadenza Laminates

Cadenza Laminates

This sophisticated range, Cadenza, features stunning four-sided bevels.

Discover Tranquility at Greyton Ecolodge: Your Perfect Venue Awaits!

Discover Tranquility At Greyto...

Did you know that Greyton Ecolodge is available for venue hire? 

Greyton Ecolodge
Let’s Paint!

Let’s Paint!

New house? New office space? Let’s paint.

The Power of Vacation Leave: A Guide for Small Business Owners

The Power Of Vacation Leave: A...

This topic might seem simple but holds immense potential for your business's success: vacation leave. 

AF Consulting
Transform Your Day: A Mindful Morning Routine

Transform Your Day: A Mindful Morning Rout...

How do you start your day? Pressing the pause button on your alarm clock? 

Your Insecurities - an Indicator of Self Doubt?

Your Insecurities - an Indicator of Self D...

Your Insecurity is only an Indicator of your Self-Doubt.

Retrenchments - The Devastation

Retrenchments - The Devastation

AF Consulting

The Devastation of Retrenchments in the Work Place.

Unlocking the Power Within with Sue Leppan

Unlocking the Power Within with Sue Leppan

This month, Sue Leppan, your dedicated Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach, delves into the fascinating world of beliefs.

Shift Your Perspective: Embracing Growth through Attitude Adjustment

Shift Your Perspective: Embracing Growth t...

Attitude is your approach or the way you view something - your perception - based on your outlook, your mindset, and your feelings.

Cadenza Laminates

Cadenza Laminates

Top Carpets and Floors Hermanus

This sophisticated range, Cadenza, features stunning four-sided bevels.

Discover Tranquility at Greyton Ecolodge: Your Perfect Venue Awaits!

Discover Tranquility at Greyton Ecolodge: ...

Greyton Ecolodge

Did you know that Greyton Ecolodge is available for venue hire? 

Let’s Paint!

Let’s Paint!

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

New house? New office space? Let’s paint.

The Power of Vacation Leave: A Guide for Small Business Owners

The Power of Vacation Leave: A Guide for S...

AF Consulting

This topic might seem simple but holds immense potential for your business's success: vacation leave.