Spawning of the Abalone in Springtime
Have you ever wondered what the holes on the abalone’s shell are for? Well, besides breathing (the holes are called “respiratory holes”) the abalone releases their sperm and eggs through these holes. Abalone is called “broadcast spawners” - this means that the males and females can release 10-15 million sperm and eggs in one spawning! Fertilisation then takes place in the ocean.
During springtime (September to November) it is their natural spawning season. This natural process is triggered by the higher ozone (O3) content in the sea at this time of year. Ever heard of Hermanus having such wonderful “champagne air” – this is a reference to that fresh sea air, a result of this ozone in the sea.
Springtime in Hermanus is a happy time. Whales are calving, Fernkloof flowers are blooming and our famous “perlemoen” is making babies…millions of babies!
Contact Heart of Abalone today and discover more about the gist of abalone reproduction.