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This will allow you to sort the listing results. The different sort options are as follows:

1. Xplorio Rank - every listing has an Xplorio Rank which is based on the business’ level of participation on Xplorio as well as the completeness of their Profile.

2. Alphabetically - this will sort the listings by name from A-Z.

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An authentic deli and sidewalk café in Hermanus that sells and serves all things to do with the flavours of Italy.

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Piccalilli offers a wide array of things from the outdoors to the indoors, from edibles to decorative and also featuring a quaint little nursery.

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A favourite among the locals. Young, old, two-legged and four-legged family members are all welcome!

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Supplier and Retailer of Fresh and Frozen Seafood, Vegetables, Take-Away Meals, and Everything Else for Fish Lovers.

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Bread, meat, purified water and sweet treats.

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