Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve You

This might be one of the most difficult realisations to come to, however it will be a day of liberation.
The transformation we achieve from our greatest resistance, holds the promise of our expansion and discovery of our true self. The fact that we resist certain points of change so vehemently, should be an indication of the power the fear, doubt, hurt, anger, or sadness holds over us. Letting go of the resistance opens the door for love, joy, expansion, fun, happiness, and discovery.
Acknowledge your limitations, let them go as they do not serve you, feel the fire that is you within, allow it to grow and burst open into the powerful you that is waiting.
What is your greatest fear? What are you prepared to do to be free of that fear? Today is the day for the lesson. Are you ready for the blessing? Receive the lesson and walk out as the victor.