What is your resistance?
The feeling of doubt, fear, anger, guilt, or love experienced in our gut? The moment we experience an emotion, triggered within the body due to a belief, we start avoidance behaviour.
Attached to every emotion are millions of beliefs, of which I am not good enough, might be the greatest. The moment the belief starts "its stories," and you can feel the "truth" of that belief in your body, you will start avoiding what you must conquer.
It is ourselves that we must conquer, not the "thing" we fear or are angry about. In love, it is to understand our unquestionable love - for self and for others. A love of no harm.
What must you "face" today? What is that emotion triggered? What is the story you tell yourself about why you must avoid it?
The moment we know what we must master, the path starts to open. I know you can. Will you conquer yourself?