Are You Ready to Become You?
Often we somehow must first reach that point where we feel our whole world is heading for a brick wall while we have the pedal all the way down, before we will do something different.
That something different is a realisation that we must act differently. The realisation is more likely than not fueled by anger - eventually we have overcome the paralysing fear. And that is fine, anger is a good motivator when directed correctly and responsibly. The trick is to not unpack and live there, but to realise that in this second it is motivation and to be left behind.
And how do we act differently? We are eventually tired of buying into our self-proclaimed limitation and we challenge the status quo of the self. Hooray, you get to see that you are so much more than you settle for.
But why wait for a crisis point? When that nagging voice begins, know that it is only a story you are telling yourself. That you are lying to yourself and that you can change that belief.
Are you ready to become you? Will you act on the limiting stories before the "wall" appears?