Home and garden services in Napier

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1. Xplorio Rank - every listing has an Xplorio Rank which is based on the business’ level of participation on Xplorio as well as the completeness of their Profile.

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A team of Napier-based arborists specialising in tree felling, pruning, and professional tree care services in the Overberg.

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Artistically inspired stoneware designs that will become lifestyle pieces in your kitchen and on your dining room table.

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A nursery selling a myriad of plants that include clivias, succulents, bulbs, orchids and hydroponically grown fruit and vegetables.

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We are a professional garden service situated in Napier

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Your friendly Napier nursery where you can find everything from plants to herbs to get your garden started.

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Specializing in growing and harvesting top quality flowers!

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