Welcome to the Pringle Bay & Rooi Els Blog
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3 November 2023: Fynbos Tastin...
The flavours of far-off lands are now taken for granted and are part of our everyday cooking.
A quick-drying enamel paint suitable for spraying.
15 Years Of Experience In The ...
Wall Seal Painters & Renovations was started by Mike Dunsdon and his nephew Piet Tobias in 2008.
Romantic Relationships
There comes a time when we have to revisit why we are in a relationship with someone.
Meet The Painted Lady Pizza
Meet the Painted Lady, named after the Gladiolus debilis flower.
Be Aware Of The Value You Assi...
Many struggle to understand why they lose out on a desired position.
Olof Bergh Bar Tab Winner: Ja...
Congratulations to Jaco Smith, the winner of our Olof Bergh bar tab!
28 October 2023: Halloween Par...
Come join us on the 28th of October 2023 for our annual Halloween Party!
The flavours of far-off lands are now taken for granted and are part of our everyday cooking.
A quick-drying enamel paint suitable for spraying.
Yellowing of Walls
Is your wall feeling a bit 'off-colour'?
Wall Seal Painters & Renovations was started by Mike Dunsdon and his nephew Piet Tobias in 2008.
There comes a time when we have to revisit why we are in a relationship with someone.
Meet the Painted Lady Pizza
Meet the Painted Lady, named after the Gladiolus debilis flower.
Be aware of the value you assign to yourse...
Many struggle to understand why they lose out on a desired position.
Olof Bergh Bar Tab Winner: Jaco Smith
Congratulations to Jaco Smith, the winner of our Olof Bergh bar tab!
28 October 2023: Halloween Party
Come join us on the 28th of October 2023 for our annual Halloween Party!