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Prominent Paints Origin Palett...
Colour your life with a neutral Prominent Paints Origin palette that’s elegant, timeless and on-trend.
Fast Tip: Cleaning Paint On B...
Brick is porous, so when paint spills on the surface, it soaks in making paint removal tricky.
Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6)
The colour of 2023! Imagine how Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6) can enhance that wall and make it WOW!
4 February 2022: Art Spark - B...
Fun-filled creative painting and crafts. Followed by snacks and a drink from the Menucha kitchen.
29 January 2023: Harvest Table
Join Menucha Coffee and Crafts for a harvest table Sunday lunch.
Premium Gloss Enamel Paint
Give your metal pergola some love and a whole new look with our Premium Gloss Enamel paint.
Nothing Beats A Solid Foundati...
One of the most important parts of any building is its foundation because it provides the necessary support for the structures it carries.
Prominent Paints Advanced Roof...
A properly maintained roof requires regular repainting at seven-year intervals.
Happy Birthday To South Africa...
Raise a glass and toast to a new grape harvest and 364 years of South African wine.
Colour your life with a neutral Prominent Paints Origin palette that’s elegant, timeless and on-trend.
Brick is porous, so when paint spills on the surface, it soaks in making paint removal tricky.
Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6)
The colour of 2023! Imagine how Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6) can enhance that wall and make it WOW!
Fun-filled creative painting and crafts. Followed by snacks and a drink from the Menucha kitchen.
29 January 2023: Harvest Table
Join Menucha Coffee and Crafts for a harvest table Sunday lunch.
Premium Gloss Enamel Paint
Give your metal pergola some love and a whole new look with our Premium Gloss Enamel paint.
One of the most important parts of any building is its foundation because it provides the necessary support for the structures it carries. ...
A properly maintained roof requires regular repainting at seven-year intervals.
Happy Birthday to South African Wine!
Raise a glass and toast to a new grape harvest and 364 years of South African wine.