Welcome to the Pringle Bay & Rooi Els Blog
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Remove Yourself From Frustrati...
Once frustration sets in, we believe that we should fight and struggle harder. Keep going.
Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, held an information session on Wednesday morning, 18 October 2023...
The Psychology Of Paint Colour...
When you step into a room, the colour of the walls can instantly evoke a mood or feeling.
Never Doubt Your Greatness
We are strong, we have the gift of dreaming and envisioning a great future.
Do You Attract Your Problems?Â...
Do you attract your problems? 3 steps to consider towards freedom.
Meet The Sewejaartjie Pizza
Meet the Sewejaartjie, named after the Edmondia sesamoides flower.
Show Up For Yourself
Have you noticed how many times a day you are critical of yourself?
Successful Exhibition Opening ...
Another successful first Saturday exhibition opening of Monique Willard's show, titled "Shades of Blue"!
Every Experience Is An Opportu...
We are not here to be critical. We are here to learn and grow. You decide which way will benefit you.
Remove Yourself From Frustrating Situation...
Once frustration sets in, we believe that we should fight and struggle harder. Keep going.
Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, held an information session on Wednesday morning, 18 October 2023...
When you step into a room, the colour of the walls can instantly evoke a mood or feeling.
We are strong, we have the gift of dreaming and envisioning a great future.
Do you attract your problems? 3 steps to consider towards freedom.
Meet the Sewejaartjie Pizza
Meet the Sewejaartjie, named after the Edmondia sesamoides flower.
Have you noticed how many times a day you are critical of yourself?
Another successful first Saturday exhibition opening of Monique Willard's show, titled "Shades of Blue"!
Every Experience Is An Opportunity To Lear...
We are not here to be critical. We are here to learn and grow. You decide which way will benefit you.