Identify Your Influencers: Who's in Your Flock?
Birds of a feather … Who is in your flock?
Don’t reason, quickly write down the 5 people you spend the most time with during your working day. Then do the same for your social group. Repeat if you belong to a team sport or any other activity you might be involved with. Once you have completed this, rate each person’s emotional contribution to your life on a scale of 1 - 5: 1 being negative and 5 positive. Now write down the person in each group with whom you spend the most time in each activity and discover who you “flock” with most of the time.
Remember this:
"As we go through our day and week, we often overlook the emotional states we encounter. Some of these emotions are our own, while others we adopt. Are you surrounding yourself with success, optimism, love, compassion, openness to information, and problem-solving? If you don't see these qualities in the people you spend time with, you're unlikely to cultivate inspiration or fill your day with what you're seeking."
We become what we think and speak. When you are in your flock, what do you think and speak? Is it beneficial for you? Does it help you grow personally? Do they keep you accountable? Are your words and thoughts compassionate, loving, and supportive? If you are truly different from the negative environments you find yourself in, then you will not be in those environments.