Welcome to the Greyton / Genadendal Blog


Meet Artist Nelis Singles

Meet Artist Nelis Singles

Based in the picturesque village of Napier in the Overberg, South Africa.

Greyton Art Walk
Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)

Expanded Public Works Programm...

An EPWP book club facilitator recently visited Mind Over Matter and worked with the students.

Mind Over Matter
Every Life Is Filled With Different Cycles

Every Life Is Filled With Diff...

As you move through your day, are you aware of how many questions you ask? 

Learning To Say No Without Explaining Yourself

Learning To Say No Without Exp...

We live in a world where we accept that we must explain why we say no.

Be Committed to Yourself

Be Committed To Yourself

Be committed to yourself, and watch the world change around you. Are you ready?  

8 October 2023: Steve Newman, Wendy Oldfield and Ashish Joshi

8 October 2023: Steve Newman,...

Well-known musicians Steve Newman, Wendy Oldfield, and Ashish Joshi will be performing at Greyton Ecolodge!

Greyton Ecolodge
Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken

Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is ...

Too often I work with clients who feel that they are failures.

Prominent Paints Premium Roof and Paving Exterior Paint

Prominent Paints Premium Roof ...

Unveiling the power of versatility and quality with Prominent Paints Premium Roof and Paving Exterior Paint.

Understanding Your Beliefs

Understanding Your Beliefs

Limiting and negative beliefs stems from a decision taken in a moment of vulnerability.

Meet Artist Nelis Singles

Meet Artist Nelis Singles

Greyton Art Walk

Based in the picturesque village of Napier in the Overberg, South Africa.

Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)

Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)

Mind Over Matter

An EPWP book club facilitator recently visited Mind Over Matter and worked with the students.

Every Life Is Filled With Different Cycles

Every Life Is Filled With Different Cycles

As you move through your day, are you aware of how many questions you ask? 

Learning To Say No Without Explaining Yourself

Learning To Say No Without Explaining Your...

We live in a world where we accept that we must explain why we say no.

Be Committed to Yourself

Be Committed to Yourself

Be committed to yourself, and watch the world change around you. Are you ready?  

8 October 2023: Steve Newman, Wendy Oldfield and Ashish Joshi

8 October 2023: Steve Newman, Wendy Oldfi...

Greyton Ecolodge

Well-known musicians Steve Newman, Wendy Oldfield, and Ashish Joshi will be performing at Greyton Ecolodge!

Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken

Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Take...

Too often I work with clients who feel that they are failures.

Prominent Paints Premium Roof and Paving Exterior Paint

Prominent Paints Premium Roof and Paving E...

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

Unveiling the power of versatility and quality with Prominent Paints Premium Roof and Paving Exterior Paint.

Understanding Your Beliefs

Understanding Your Beliefs

Limiting and negative beliefs stems from a decision taken in a moment of vulnerability.