Hawston Weather

Hawston Weather, Climate and Seasons

The geographical location of Hawston on the Cape South Coast, between Cape Town and Cape Infanta, places it in the heart of the Overberg's wine, whale and floral kingdom. Hawston straddles the R43 and is situated between Fisherhaven and Hermanus, and has a small fishing harbour with a slipway for seagoing vessels.

Summer weather in Hawston (December, January, February & March)

  • Fisherhaven average seasonal temperature in summer: 16°C (60°F) and 25°c (77°F)
  • Fisherhaven average daily temperature in summer: 25 °C (77°F)
  • Fisherhaven average monthly rainfall in summer: 1 day a month
  • Fisherhaven average daylight hours in summer: 12 to 14.5 hours

Summer months in Hawston are generally warm to hot with not much rain expected. Long sunny days are perfect for outdoor living and adventures. Strong southeasterly winds are the norm and locals find respite at certain sheltered coves and lagoons in the area which are known to escape the windy season. Things start to sizzle in February when temperatures can reach around 40°C (104°F) and the best thing to do is spend the day at Hawston’s Blue Flag accredited beach, floating around in the Hawston public swimming pool or at one of the many coastal gathering spots in nearby Hermanus.

Autumn weather in Hawston (March, April, May & June)

  • Hawston average seasonal temperature in autumn: 13°C (59°F) and 27°c (81°F)
    Hawston average daily temperature in autumn: 22°c (72°F)
    Hawston average monthly rainfall in autumn: 5 to 6 days a month
    Hawston average daylight hours in autumn: 10 to 12 hours

Autumn months in Hawston merge with summer and winter quite seamlessly and, other than dawn being quite a bit later and dusk a whole lot earlier, daytime weather remains mostly fine and sunny. A few rainy days bring a little colour back into the landscape which by now has begun to show the after-effects of the hot, dry summer months. Mornings can be surprisingly icy from April onwards.

Winter weather in Hawston (June, July, August & September)

  • Hawston average seasonal temperature in winter: 11°C (52°F) and 20°c (68°F)
  • Hawston average daily temperature in winter: 13°C (55°F)
  • Hawston average monthly rainfall in winter: 10 to 11 days a month
  • Hawston average daylight hours in winter: 9.5 to 12 hours

Winter months in Hawston consist of an eclectic mix of fair weather days, surprisingly hot sunny days that make you want to be out-and-about and icy days when ruthless storms and strong northerly winds batter the Hawston coastline. When intermittent snowfalls occur on inland mountain peaks you may want to hibernate next to a warm fire with a lekker potjie on the go. Once in a while, all these weather patterns occur on the same day so always make sure you have your swimming costume, windbreaker and warm woolly socks packed if you are planning a winter visit to Hawston.

Spring weather in Hawston (September, October, November & December)

  • Hawston average seasonal temperature in spring: 13°C (55°F) and 25°c (77°F)
  • Hawston average daily temperature in spring: 23°C (73°F)
  • Hawston average monthly rainfall in spring: 5 to 8 days
  • Hawston average daylight hours in spring: 12 to 14 hours

Spring months in Hawston offer an inspiring taste of the sunny months that lay ahead and the longer, warmer days are welcomed by everyone after the icy tail-end of winter finally subsides. Spring celebrations in Hawston include the annual Hermanus Whale Festival as well as other outdoor festivities. The winter rainfall has soaked the earth and in thanks, Mother Nature has given new life to the landscape, which is now covered in generous splashes of pink Fynbos blossoms. A trip inland at the beginning of spring to see the endless blankets of canary yellow canola fields is one not to be missed! 

Hawston surrounding area weather-related information:

Eastcliff Weather
Fernkloof Weather
Fisherhaven Weather
Hemel-en-Aarde Weather
Hermanus Heights Weather
Hermanus Weather
Mount Pleasant Weather
Northcliff Weather
Onrus Weather
Sandbaai Weather
Vermont Weather
Voëlklip Weather
Westcliff Weather

Weather forecast for Hermanus: