Theme of the Month and New Oil Blend for Sleeplessness and Insomnia
If you have been following our social media posts this month - you would have noticed the theme for the month is focussed around the diffuser blend "calm and collected". A delightful blend with glorious notes of floral, citrus, and a touch of wood.
This is the blend of joy, cheerfulness, and of course... calmness. Keeping calm in a stressful situation helps with clear focus, concentration, and aids better communication which ultimately can resolve many matters. It will also help you to gently overcome feelings of intense anger and rage. Ultimately helping you function better on all levels.
Exciting News! New Oil Blend for Sleeplessness and Insomnia
Have you noticed though, that if you are feeling tired and lacking sleep, how everything just seems overwhelming? So while our calm and collected diffuser blend will definitely calm the waters during the day... we thought this would be a perfect time to introduce you to our new oil blend for sleeplessness and insomnia.
"SANDMAND" is our newest oil blend made with a delicate blend of lavender, bergamot, vetiver, clary sage, and rose geranium oils. Currently available as a diffuse blend, and soon to be released as a roller blend.
We are offering a pre-release online offer!
Contact Mai Co. for more information or how you can purchase "SANDMAND".