Saturday's Scenic Hike at Fernkloof
We had a very pleasant hike on Saturday. The weather was perfect and not too hot. The walk was just shy of 7.0 km and comprised a combination of the Blue, Red, and Green routes.
Besides a couple of scary drop-offs where landslips had removed material - literally at your feet - the walk was not strenuous, and footing was good. There is clear evidence of extensive maintenance along the mountainside, and we extend our thanks to the volunteers and staff at Fernkloof for their efforts in ensuring hiker safety.
The Fynbos is currently suffering from dehydration, but we were still treated to beautiful flowers along the route. From above, baboons kept a watchful eye on us, hurling barks down to announce their presence.
A highlight of the hike was our stop in the wooded ravine, home to the so-called waterfall - now reduced to a mere trickle in the summer heat. Nearby, frogs lined up at the dark brown pool, waiting for their turn to cool down.
I came across the following lines in a poem called "Bergklim" by Cassie le Grange, which perfectly applies to our hikes. The poem is in Afrikaans:
8. Daar word nou tot vreugd van almal
deur die leier halt geroep,
in die skadu van groot kranse
gaan hul sit, die hele groep.
Deel Twee
9. Dis asof hulle almal traag is
om gewyde atmosfeer
te verlaat, en na die lewe,
van gejaagdheid terug te keer.