Welcome to the Hermanus Blog


Getting To Know Your Neighbours

Getting To Know Your Neighbour...

New in the neighbourhood? Find some quick tips to get to know your neighbours!

What Are You Willing to Pay to Reach Your Goals?

What Are You Willing To Pay To...

How often did your dream or goal come true, only to be spoiled by something "unforeseen?"

Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve You

Let Go Of The Limitations That...

Acknowledge your limitations, let them go as they do not serve you, feel the fire that is you within, allow it to grow and burst open into the powerful you that is waiting.

Now in Stock: Alheit!

Now In Stock: Alheit!

Chris Alheit has again worked his magic and his just-released wines are now on our shelves.

Wine & Company
Saturday | Sunday Weekend Tasting: Late Bloomer Wines

Saturday | Sunday Weekend Tast...

This weekend we will be tasting a few wines from Late Bloomer.

Wine & Company
Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy Mustard

Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy M...

We just love how this Spicy Mustard amps up analytical thinking and creativity - while also adding warmth to this study. 

Take Charge of Your Life

Take Charge Of Your Life

Some of our experiences are outright horrible, testing, and stressful.

Hoop Earrings

Hoop Earrings

A classic - the hoops.

Become present to your thoughts

Become Present To Your Thought...

What you think, will determine your action. 

Getting To Know Your Neighbours

Getting To Know Your Neighbours

Dormehl Phalane Property Group Overstrand

New in the neighbourhood? Find some quick tips to get to know your neighbours!

What Are You Willing to Pay to Reach Your Goals?

What Are You Willing to Pay to Reach Your ...

How often did your dream or goal come true, only to be spoiled by something "unforeseen?"

Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve You

Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve...

Acknowledge your limitations, let them go as they do not serve you, feel the fire that is you within, allow it to grow and burst open into t...

Now in Stock: Alheit!

Now in Stock: Alheit!

Wine & Company

Chris Alheit has again worked his magic and his just-released wines are now on our shelves.

Saturday | Sunday Weekend Tasting: Late Bloomer Wines

Saturday | Sunday Weekend Tasting: Late B...

Wine & Company

This weekend we will be tasting a few wines from Late Bloomer.

Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy Mustard

Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy Mustard

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

We just love how this Spicy Mustard amps up analytical thinking and creativity - while also adding warmth to this study. 

Take Charge of Your Life

Take Charge of Your Life

Some of our experiences are outright horrible, testing, and stressful.

Hoop Earrings

Hoop Earrings

Tanzanites and Diamonds of Hermanus

A classic - the hoops.

Become present to your thoughts

Become present to your thoughts

What you think, will determine your action.